Opus Converter Tool for RPG Maker MV

This tool converts OGG Vorbis files to Opus files and disguises them as OGG files. The Opus audio format is efficient in compression than Vorbis while the audio quality is excellent. It’s great for reducing the game’s size without sacrificing the audio quality and it’s compatible with most apps and OSes (NW.js, Chromium-based Web Browsers, Linux, Windows (Windows 10 needs Web Media Extensions), etc.), making it an excellent format.

It should be noted that the tool (at the time of this writing) is suited for preparing the game for deployment. RPG Maker MV’s editor doesn’t support previewing Opus files when editing, but it can encrypt them fine.

The tool at work

System Requirements

  • Windows 7 Service Pack 1 or newer / Ubuntu 16.04 or newer (may work on other Linux distros as well)
  • FFMPEG with Opus support (new versions should have it)


Download: itch.io

The source code is available on GitHub.

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